The inauguration ceremony for the construction of residential buildings in Qatar Shahrak
The contracts for the construction of residential blocks in Qatar shahrak were signed between Al-Gharrafah Foundation and construction companies during a ceremony at the Kabul Serena Hotel.
First, Mr. Shahid Jawad Allah Rakha (Vice-chairman and CEO of Al-Gharrafah Foundation), gave brief information about H.E Ali bin Abdullah Al-Thani who is a member of the royal family state of Qatar, owner and main donor of Al-Gharrafah Foundation. Then he said: that due to H.E Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah Al-Thani’s long vision for the people of Afghanistan and his special direction. we were able to reach our goals so he deserves big hands. After that, he gave information about the Qatar Shahrak project and other projects of the Al-Gharrafah Foundation in Afghanistan. He added: that these apartments will be distributed to needy people 100% free of charge in the coordination of the H.E. president’s office and MUDL. He said: Al-Gharrafah Foundation is a non-governmental, non-profitable, and non-political organization. Al-Gharrafah’s goal is to support the Afghanistan people with the coordination of the Islamic Republic of the Afghanistan government. In the end, he thanked H.E Mohammad Ashraf Ghani’s administration, all ministries, and departments for their continuous support and cooperation with the Al-Gharrafah Foundation.
Subsequently, the Minister of Urban Development and Lands, Mahmoud Karzai, mentioned the construction of Qatar Shahrak is the commitment of the Afghanistan Government and Al-Gharrafah Foundation to provide housing for the needy people. He added: that MUDL does its best efforts to implement of Qatar Shahrak project with the coordination of the Al-Gharrafah Foundation.
In addition, the Minister of Urban Development and Lands said to Al-Gharrafah Foundation: MUDL is ready to provide governmental land anywhere in Afghanistan for Al-Gharrafah investment purposes if AGF is interested.
Then respectively Minister of Economy, Hajj and Religious Affairs Minister, and Civil Aviation Director-General thanked AGF for the implementation of projects in Afghanistan. They emphasized the economic importance of the Qatar Shahrak project and asked for the continuation of such projects.
Subsequently, Mr. Aziz Ahmad Golestani ( Housing Deputy Minister of MUDL) provided detailed information regarding the construction of Qatar Shahrak. He said that the implementation of this project is an effective step in using government lands.
In the end, contract documents for the construction of residential blocks were handed over to the construction companies.
Qatar Shahrak includes eight residential buildings of 12 floors, commercial towers, commercial markets, girls’ and boys’ schools, a masjid, an orphanage, vehicle parking, a green area, and other necessary facilities of the town. A total of 768 residential apartments will be built in this town. The construction work of Qatar Shahrak has three phases. The first phase is the construction of masjid, boys’ and girls’ schools which have already begun and have more than 50 percent progress so far. The second phase is the construction of residential buildings which were already awarded to construction companies on December 12, 2020. The third phase is the construction of commercial towers, commercial markets, and orphanages.